Sunday, February 13, 2011

Great News!

Well, we had another visit to the doctor this week. Abby had another ultra sound and the liver is back to normal size. Hooray!!! Her pancreas is still a little swollen but it is smaller than the images before. Her labs were all almost back to normal. They have not been able to diagnose her with anything. All of the labs came back negative, for the viruses they thought it was and all of common liver diseases. So they are just saying that she had some unknown virus and we will probably never know what it was. They are going to keep a close watch on her. She doesn't have to go back to the doctor for two months and then six months and then a year and then they will probably watch her for three years after that. They said that they would just like to be sure it stays away for good. Which is extremely comforting to me.
It is so cute to hear her say her prayers and thank Heavenly Father for blessing her liver, and making it all better. I am grateful for all the support we have been given and the love and prayers.


The Andersons said...

That is the greatest news!!! I am so glad she is doing so much better. What a wonderful blessing!

Karli Anderson said...


So glad that Abby is doing well. Miss all you guys. Hope your doing well. Love you