Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday PARKER!!!

Today is Parker's birthday and he is so excited. He has been planning his birthday for over a month. He woke up and saw the kitchen decorated and was so excited that this time it was for him. He picked to have cinnamon rolls for breakfast and watch transformers the cartoon while I set up the backyard. We filled up the swimming pools and filled 110 water balloons. We invited the cousins over for a party at 11:00. They swam and had a water balloon fight, potato sack races, and we made some goodie bags with water toys inside. We had hot dogs and cupcakes and then he got to open his presents. It was such a fun party and the kids all had so much fun. The kids swam until 3:00 and then we went inside and Parker wanted to play with some of his new toys so he played play doh and moon sand. Then when Dan got home from work we went to McDonald's for dinner. Little kids are so easy to please. After dinner we went on a bike ride on the new trail and then came back to open presents from mom and dad. Parker had such a fun day. We are so grateful he is apart of our family. We love you, Parker.

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