Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Striker's Cup

Today Britton has the start of another tournament.  This one is close it is in Layton.  Britton played really well today and he had a lot of fun.  He didn't win but it was a close game.  His team is good but they just turned off there fuel after the second half.  Hopefully tomorrow will go a little better.  After Britton's game we came home I was able to clean house and the kids just played.  It was a good day to get caught up on all the odds and ends.  Our power went out today and I decided that we need to be a lot more prepared.  I had no way of making dinner and I need to be able to cook even if i don't have a oven, microwave or a grill.  I need to get organized in emergency preparedness and have a plan.

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