Monday, August 11, 2008

Castle Park!!!

Today Parker had to get some fillings at the dentist. So I told him that if he does a good job for the dentist then we could go to Castle Park. Our dentist is so awesome, he was so patient and did and great job with Parker. Parker sat so still and let him do all the work needed. We actually had two appointments scheduled for the fillings but because he was sitting so still they were able to do all the work in one day. Hopefully we won't have anymore fillings for the next check-up. He definitely earned the park.
Parker attempting to climb the tire ladder.
Abby loves playing in the sand.
Bryson made his way to the top of the ladder.

Climbing the rock wall.

We need to make one of these at home.

Parker has discovered the swings this summer and loves them.
Bryson is the relaxer.
There's always someone to take care of Abby. Thanks boys for being such good big brothers.
We had a great time at the park. We played tag and knights(the boys were the knights and Abby and I were the Princesses). We love the summer days and wish that they weren't almost over.

1 comment:

It Just Keeps Getting Better said...

Love all the pictures. We love all the updates. Its great to see the kids having fun being kids. Life is great.
