Monday, August 4, 2008

The Gardner Family Motto

So tonight for family night we intoduced a family motto. I asked the boys if they remembered the Lion King saying, Hakuna Matata. Bryson remembered, and told us it meant no worries. We told the boys in our home we were going to have our own family motto, Try A Little Harder. Each day all we have to do is try just a little bit harder to be better than the day before. So we went around the room and had the boys try to think of an event in the day when they could have done a little better, they each thought of something and then told us how the situation could have been changed. Bryson worries so much about being good and tells us OFTEN how hard it is to be good. He said that if he didn't have any brothers it wouldn't be so hard to be good. We decided to give the boys a challenge. Each night before bed they can earn stars for changed behavior, or better behavior. When we can earn so many stars we can go on a family outing. The boys were really excited for the challenge and tomorrow were going to make signs to put in each room to remind us of our challenge. Each day is a fresh start and I want to make each day better than the one before.


Sarah L. said...

Whats a moto? Nothing, whats the moto wit' you?
Cute. Love the frosting pic

The Flint's said...

Super cute idea! I hope it works well, sounds awesome!!

Amber said...

What a great idea. Keep us updated on how it works and when your family earns a prize. I am always looking for things to try in our family.

NICHOLS said...

Your little girl is darling!!! I am jeoous that you got a girl. We keep checking every appt. to see if ours changes--ha ha!! I am glad you found my blog. Keep in touch! Camille

It Just Keeps Getting Better said...

Hey Lisa great idea. Keep us updated on how it goes. We all loved the picture of Abby. Wow what a great weekend you guys had. We love getting the updates.
Love, Juls