Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday rest

Sunday is so crazy in the mornings.  Dan leaves each Sunday at 7:45am for meetings.  I don't mind getting the kids ready myself I have a routiue and we can get out the door and be on time, most of the time.  But today we didn't even wake up until 8:00am.  It was a wild morning and it just starts the day out bad.  When I am in a rush I need to remember that it isn't the kids fault I didn't wake up in time.  Relax and we'll get there when we get there.  I hate being late.
I read a great quote last night and I would like to remember.

Fear departs when faith endures.

What we are speaks so loudly that are children might not hear what we are saying.

I love these quotes and I hope to apply them to my life.

I love Sunday afternoons.  The girls are napping and the boys are playing with toys.  Dan is working a swing shift today so I am just relaxing and enjoy the quiet.

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