Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Water - to drink or not to drink

Well, I don’t think that we can go on a vacation without one of our children getting sick.  About 2:30am Brynlee starting coughing.  And then vomiting.  Abby and Brynlee are sharing a bed and Brynlee threw up while still in bed.  Dan was able to get her to the kitchen sink to finish throwing up and then she slept with us the rest of the night.  I think that she threw up about 7 times.  We aren’t sure if she was sick or if she got sick from drinking the water in the river by the cabin.  No matter what the source of water is Brynlee will drink it.  Anyway she felt better around 9:00am so we decided to go for a hike until Brynlee was tried or fussy.  She loved being outside and rode on Dan’s shoulders almost the whole way.  We hiked for an hour and then turned around and came back.  Abby collected so many wild flowers she had the most beautiful flower arrangement.  She never complained about the hike because she was too busy finding flowers.  The boys ran most the way back and loved the adventure.  It was a beautiful hike we saw lots of fun things.  The weather got colder tonight so we spent most of the night inside playing games and watching movies.  We also had our traditional Mexican Dinner Night.  The kids love that every time we go camping or to a cabin.  This is so fun.  We love spending time together and being outdoors.

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